Julia Roberts Filming 'Eat, Pray, Love' In NYC and India || Jaunted
I have to say that I am both excited and nervous about the making of the book 'Eat, Pray, Love'. I read the book during the aftershock of a ridiculous relationship having ended. I was sitting in a hammock with a cold beer at night in Bocas del Toro, Panama, and I was reading the part about how when you finish a relationship, you have all this crap in your mind about that person. The authors friend talked to the author about how she should push that stuff out of the way and make room for something new, or someone new, and pretty much buck up, get over it, be strong, and yes, clear that space in your mind occupied by that person. I cried. Yeah. I did. It's funny to think of it, but you know, sometimes something, no matter how ridiculous, just hits you - booooom - right in the gut.
These types of memories are great...when you're someplace else, when you have a moment in time that sticks with you - every little detail sticks with you from that one fraction of a minute..I remember the wind, the time of day - dusk, the location - the porch upstairs in the Spanish school I stayed at, what the dirt felt like between my feet and the wooden porch floor, the music coming through the air from the tiny packed church down the street that I walked by earlier, voices coming up from downstairs as the nightlife began, the green color of the plastic corrugated roof over the porch and the bright paint color on the wooden railing of the porch, the stripes of the hammock. How I felt that that particular paragraph was written for me specifically at that exact moment. Then I laughed my ass off at myself, and I'm not sure, but I probably scratched a mosquito bite.
Maybe when we travel to other places we have an opportunity to leave some 'stuff' there. I tell you, I left Bocas happy :-)
I've digressed a bit, but in fact the memory of that moment was created by the book. And now the book will become a movie. Imagination from a book usually trumps the experience you have laid out for you by a movie, but I'm definitely going to give this one a chance. It is Julia, after all, and it is a great book.