What's that? You can't understand the Wiki definition of ti-punch because it's in French?
Welcome to my world, all day, every day.
What can I say, I wanted you to share the experience for a moment. And now for the good stuff: Ti-punch. The chicanition (that's a definition by chica, btw) is:
1. Grab a small glass. I mean small like your Gramma used for prune juice. Trust me.
2. Throw a couple of spoonfuls of pure cane sugar in the glass, give or take some.
3. Squeeze juice of one lime in to the glass, more or less depending on your guts/rhum taste tolerance.
4. Mash sugar and lime juice together extremely well.
5. Take some
6. Take note of the proof - it will be 50 or 59 proof. Consider this for a moment. Take a sip.
7. Enjoy the __________
(insert whatever it is you're enjoying, i.e. the view of the sea, the silence